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- Published: 07 June 2016
Best Cultural Extension Service Award 2016
The Madeira Whale Museum (MBM) was the winner in the Best Cultural Extension Service category of the Portuguese Association of Museology 2016 (APOM), between several candidates from all the portuguese territory. The MBM is distinguished by its diversity and proximity work with schools and population, taking the Museum's culture outside its facilities.
This award is a national level recognition of the quality work done by the institution, which was based on the compilation of activities developed by the MBM in 2015, within its facets: Museum Studies, Science and Education. The shares were presented in continuity with the past and falling into the next steps of the institution, never losing sight of what's the museum's mission and encourage involvement and participation of the community.
The MBM is a multidisciplinary Cultural center who distinguishes itself for the diversity of its facets, approaching the sea in many means and constituting an added value which results in a high degree of cultural coverage.
The MBM through work and activities in its areas of intervention has been claiming its value and consolidating the important role in a cultural level, in the general community and with the local population.