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2016 1EMYA yelow nominee 2014 232012


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Madeira cetacean stranding network
291 961 859 / 924 432 091

The Madeira Whale Museum (MWM) is a finalist in the European Museum of the Year Award 2014 contest, organised annually by the European Museum Forum (EMF).
The EMF is an independent non-profit organisation, supervised by the European Council in order to promote innovation in museum practices.
The European Museum of the Year Award is set to recognize the quality of the work done to win new audiences’ loyalty, together with the promotion of innovative practices in the use of the museum collection.
The selection of the MWM, among numerous nominations, as a finalist for the 2014 edition was first and foremost understood as recognition for the developed work, and regardless of the result, it is a public gratification that everyone should be proud of.
The award ceremony will take place on May 17th in Tallinn - Estonia, with the director, Dr. Luís Freitas representing the museum.


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