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2016 1EMYA yelow nominee 2014 232012


Programa Educativo 2024-2025 modulos


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Madeira cetacean stranding network
291 961 859 / 924 432 091

Canical Eco-MAR– The partnership with EB2,3 School from Caniçal and the Sailing Association and the outcome of the need to encourage students to respect the environment , particularly the marine environment . The EB2/3 School from Caniçal is located in an old whaling village that in recent years has been dedicated to the fishing activity. The sea comes out as an element of the community allowing the development of numerous business and leisure activities. By being so close, the community got used to "see the sea" as an inexhaustible resource and self-renewable and this is perhaps, the main reason for the disregard: the random fishing and marine pollution pose problems on which action is needed. Bearing this in mind, the Canical Eco-Mar project was created with the financial support from the Ilídio Pinho Foundation through the Science in Schools programme.

With this project the sea front in Caniçal is intended to be studied. In order to systemize its study the area was divided into sectors with 2km x 2km dimension , which coincide with the sectors studied by the MWM scientific team. 




For each of the grid marked squares water samples were collected in order to examine the whale museum, physico-chemical, biological and anthropogenic parameters, encouraging students' development of critical and scientific spirit. The data collection will be conducted monthly during the 2nd and 3rd semester, in a total of 5 collections (January - May). 


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