Was ended on 28th November the "Cetaceans of Madeira's Archipelago - from investigations to education", intended for teachers from the 230 and 520 recruitment group. The training included on sea field trip, realized on 21st of November, and the exploration of the Museum's work areas and exhibition rooms. During this training was approached themes related with cetaceans, namely biodiversity and investigation, making a interconnection with teaching activity.
The next training is booked for the next month of July, and for a larger recruitment group and the registrations will be online.
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The Bandeira Azul Europe Association realized on 23rd and 24th of November, in Setúbal, their V National Seminar. This association values the environmental education and, for this fact, invited the Museum Educative Services to present their work in this field. In this context was presented the communication "Madeira Whale Museum - from learning to play (?)", placed in the panel discussion “A brincar a brincar - A Educação Ambiental como um modo de vida, pelos que a praticam”. The 150 participants manifested joy for the developed activities and interest in knowing the museological space better. The expenses inherents to the participation was responsability of the Bandeira Azul association.
The Madeira Whale Museum marks the National Sea Day with a guided visit to the support spaces of the Museum's Marine Biology. This spaces comtemplates necropsy, putrefaction, bone preparation and Marine samples rooms and they are only possible to visit under special ocasions.
To complement the visit and frame the investigation work developed in the institution it will be exhibited as well the "À Descoberta do Mar" documentary done by the Madeira Whale Museum in the context of the scientific project CETACEOS MADEIRA II.
This activity takes place in 16th of November and begins at 11h until 12h:30m and requires prior online registration.
The activity is limited to a maximum of 20 participants per group.
Another activity developed on this day by the Museum is, trought Escola de Santo António Ladeira invitation, our Educative Services performed lectures about enviromental awareness for every group of students.
The Madeira Whale Museum received on 1st November a visit from a group of north american students that came on the Corwith Cramer sailboat. This tallship belongs o the Sea Education Association that is devoted to give trainning to young adults about Sea themes.
Read more here: http://www.sea.edu/ships_crew/cramer
A marine biologist from the Museum's Science Unit gave students a presentation regarding the work of the institution in the study of cetaceans and the marine environment in Madeira, followed by a visit to the permanent exhibitions.
On 23th and 24th of Octuber will take place, i nSanta Cruz, the IX Regional Encounter of Madeira's Eco-Schools. During the encounter will be realized lectures, workshops, groups of discution and field visits. On day 24th. The Madeira Whale Museum will develop the "Sea Polution" workshop, warning for this problem and presenting work proposals to develop in educative context. For more information please visit: http://ecoescolas.abae.pt/…/ix-encontro-regional-eco-escol…/
Yesterday 6th of October the Whale Museum team rushed to another stranding, this time of an adult Atlantic Spotted Dolphin at Larano's beach in Porto da Cruz. The animal was collected for a subsequent necropsy in order to determine the cause of death and collect scientific samples and data related to the biology and ecology of the species.
The stranding alert was given by a member of the public who found the animal the day before. We remember that if you encounter a stranded cetacean you should contact No. 924432091
Learn more at: http://www.museudabaleia.org/pt/ciencia-no-museu/racam.html
The Madeira Whale Museum celebrated the International Tourism Day past Sunday 27th September, with free entry for all visitors.
In this episode of RTP-Madeira's À Beira Mar show, we can watch the interviews of the Museum Director Ana Nóbrega and the former whaler Manuel Moreira, broadcasted in 28th of August.
The Madeira Whale Museum is highlighted in this month's edition of Saber magazine, with a interview to the Museum Director Ana Nóbrega.
The Sea Shop discipline is part of the Learning with the Sea project of Caniçal's EB2/3 and subsequently turned an exhibition with the objects that students built during the school year.
This school 5º4 class with Alternative Curricular Projects come every tuesdays mornings to the Museum for the Sea Shop lesson. The purpose is to motivate this 11 students to respect the Oceans and encourage learning through pratical activities, useful and environmentally friendly behavior.
During the year students benefit from awareness raising activities in the museum, collect garbage in Caniçal beaches and reusing it in art objects, as well as water collection for analyzing it later (pollution, temperature and pH). They build a small boat and benefit from workshops throughout learning.
So far we had two special guests, Quintino Mendes who taught us to carve in wood and stone, and Marco Magalhaes who brought us "We Workshop".
A special thanks for your contribution and for making us more aware sailors!
Sea Shop Temporary Exhibit
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The Madeira Whale Museum celebrates its 25th birthday On May 28. Within these celebrations it was presented the exhibition called Dentes do Ofício, result of an educational initiative put together by our Educative Services.
This year's anniversary counted with presense of Machico's City Hall Executives, led by the President Ricardo Franco. The Government was represented by the Regional Director of Education, Marco Gomes.
The anniversary was brightened with the opening of "Dentes do Ofício" exhibition, which results from a challenge launched by the educational services of the Whale Museum to the schools of the region.
The purpose was to associate the history of whaling and whale research. For this to be possible was given to each participating school a bone shape support that should be decorated with scenes from the museum history. Two categories were created: Communication (work to gather greater number of "likes" on the social network "Facebook") and illustration (work whose artistic intervention better portray the route of the institution over its 25 years of existence).
The highlight happened in the Cetaceans room , with the candle blowing and singing of congratulations of its 25 years, who counted with the presence of former Caniçal's whalers. Later was presented the Portfolio of Museum's Educational Services.
Summer Free Time Activities Program
And if one day, like under a spell, you turn into a monster?
The Madeira Whale museum as prepared for you a monstrous Summer Free Time Activity, consisting of 3 weeks, filled with hiking, beach, sports, fine arts, cooking, and lots of science.
Come visit us if you wanna have a good time!
For more informations and/or you want to apply your kids, head to our Educational Services room.
Took place in Madeira Whale Museum Auditorium, in April 24th at 17h, a lecture entitled "Base de Dados de Cetáceos na RAM", which results from a collaborative effort between the Madeira Ocean Observatory and the Madeira Whale Museum.
The creation of this database resulted from the need of sharing and integration of several scientific projects of different entities in the same platform, allowing the analysis and understanding of various parameters which affect animals and ecosystems populations, as well as facilitating the political decision-making.
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