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 Email: geral@museudabaleia.org



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10311849 864547370238641 2106967356 nThe activity Hora do Conto (Story time), produced by the Museum's Educational Services are held every Saturday between 11am and 12pm. It's intended for children from 4 to 12 years old, and includes reading a children's story complemented with plastic expression or motor skills activities.

On the first Saturday of each month, Story Time has the participation of a special guest who shares his life story (profession, hobbies, etc.) associated with the covered children's tale.

The Story Time aims to give children and parents a shared good time and close contact with reading. Participation is free and does not require prior registration.

The average number of participants per Saturday is about 15 children. In certain periods reaching a maximum number of 23 and a minimum of 5. This activity gave rise to the project Na minha mala cabe uma baleia.